Santo Domingo, March 9, 2016
On February 23, 2016, Cristiana Cruz Minier, coordinator of the EcoHuertos program, visited the Eco Garden of Escuela Básica Concepción Bona for a sowing session.
Fourth and fifth graders, members of the Eco Huertos group, helped by three teachers and the gardener, started by cleaning and weeding the school vegetable garden and then removing the soil from the planting beds. Later on planting seedlings of peppers, tomato, common lettuce, romaine, flat-leave parsley, cabbage, onion, and curly parsley seeds.
The Dialogic Inquiry Strategy was applied throughout the work day. It consists of inquiries that encourage responses, comments and questions from the students, on concepts related to gardening and to nature in general.
Congratulations to the members of Grupo Eco Huertos from Escuela Básica Concepción Bona for their enthusiasm and dedication in the management of the vegetable garden!