June 4, 2014
Year End Visit to Loyola School
On Friday June 6, 2014, the EcoHuertos program met with Diana Murcia who is in charge of the school garden at Loyola School. The progress of the garden throughout the school year was evaluated in preparation for the next term.
Professor Murcia said the following:
1-The students worked enthusiastically in the garden and encouraged their parents to take an interest and help monitor and care for the garden. Several families, through their children, went on to create their own vegetable gardens at home or to revive old gardens that were already on their land.
2-The school garden was used as a tool to support the development of skills while strengthening concepts as well as values.
3-The garden served a practical purpose for recycling and reusing materials.
4-Several teachers got involved in the gardening chores, which motivated others in the school to do the same.
4-School Rector, Father Francisco Lluberes, S.J., viewed the vegetable garden as a very gratifying experience for the students who were involved and for the entire school in general.
Professor Diana Murcia said her students gave her their own evaluation of the experience: “Everything we did in the school garden was really good. It didn’t matter that a few plants died or that some seeds never germinated. The fact that we planted them and took care of them, and that we were able to think and plan what we would do and resolve any problems, all that was important for us.”